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Storage  /  June 22, 2023

Handyman in McKinney: Unbeatable Storage Solutions for Your Shed

Unbeatable Storage Solutions for Your Shed

With summer right around the corner, it’s the perfect time to spruce up your storage shed. Whether you need easier access to fishing and camping gear for weekend getaways or simply plan to work on warm-weather projects around the house, getting your shed in ship-shape order makes every summer activity simpler. Here are four top storage solutions for your shed, along with why you should trust Handyman Connection when you’re searching for a “handyman near me” to help you get reorganized.

Install Built-in Shelving

Sheds tend to become catch-all receptacles for items discarded from the rest of your home, so your existing storage is likely a mishmash of cupboards, carts, and racks that have outlived their usefulness elsewhere. By replacing your jumble of bins and surfaces with built-in shelving, you’ll improve both the organization and functionality of the space.

A custom system that combines open shelving and enclosed cabinetry keeps everything in your shed tidy yet still accessible. Built-in shelving is sturdier than free-standing cabinetry, so it’s a better choice to hold more, and heavier, objects. For greater flexibility, or if you plan to tinker in your shed, just ask your handyman to include sizeable work surfaces as part of your custom shelving.

Think Vertically by Using Wall Space

Beyond anchoring your fixed shelving, the walls in your shed also provide you with more vertical storage options. For starters, pegboards are perfect for housing tools, while mounted baskets allow for quick access to small items you need to grab on the go.

To keep schematics, manuals, and assembly instructions from getting misplaced, nail a corkboard and pin them at eye level. Finally, don’t forget to utilize wall space over windows and doors, as these are great spots to place floating shelves for holding less-frequently used items.

Add Sturdy Hooks

Wall hooks are another great way to improve organization in your shed. Gardening and cleaning tool handles fit easily over hooks and hang flush against walls, making them easy to reach while freeing up floor space for other items. Ladders, ropes, and hoses also store well this way, and even bicycles and power tools may be safely hung from heavy-duty hooks.

If your shed’s ceiling is strong enough, it’s possible to mount hooks overhead to create even more storage space. An experienced handyman knows how to balance the weight load in your shed, so everything attached to your walls and ceiling stays securely in place.

Don’t Overlook the Door

To fully maximize storage, use the inside of your shed’s door. This is another great spot to mount strips of pegboard or hooks to hold lighter-weight items.

The shed entry is an ideal place to house gardening supplies like gloves, seeds, trowels, and watering cans, so they’re right within reach for managing your flower beds. Over-door organizers, similar to models you might use inside your home in a closet or pantry, also make good options for utilizing this extra space.

Trust Handyman Connection When You Need Help With Shed Storage Solutions

Now that you’ve gotten some great ideas for reorganizing your shed, it’s time to get this space looking sharp ahead of the summer months. When it comes to finding the best professionals to help you improve shed storage or handle any type of home repairs in McKinney, look no further than Handyman Connection.At Handyman Connection, we put you in touch with skilled experts ready to tackle any project at your home or business, from simple fix-it and organizing tasks to full-scale remodeling and renovation work. Give us a call or request a free online estimate today, and your shed will be summer-ready before you know it!

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