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Electrical  /  August 30, 2023

When to Call an Electrician to Your Home in Saskatoon

When to Call an Electrician to Your Home in Saskatoon

It is normal to want to save money on tasks you can perform yourself, but it is necessary for homeowners to assess their skills honestly. Not all projects are suitable for DIY enthusiasts, and electrical projects are one such task.

You should always hire electricians for repair and installation. Working on a residential electrical system is too risky for inexperienced individuals. That said, some tasks are probably okay for a homeowner, like switching out an outlet or light switch. How do you know when you should call an electrician to your home? 

Primary Reasons To Call Professional Electricians for Repair and Installations

Honestly, there are risks to even small electrical projects like switching out outlets. Homeowners risk shock and injury. While residential systems are low-voltage, they can still cause significant harm to inexperienced persons. 

A professional electrician or handyman in Saskatoon knows how to handle repairs safely without risks to themselves or others. However, for homeowners who want to save as much money as possible, there are at least five occasions when an electrician is necessary for a repair and when a DIY solution is dangerous.

1. Strange Odours

You should never feel excessive heat coming from outlets or light switches and never smell a burning odour. A burning smell usually indicates a shortage in the system or loose wiring. When wires are loose, they can cause arcing, which can lead to melted housings and wires.

Shorts, loose wiring, and frayed wires can cause an electrical fire. The primary danger of electrical fires is they often spread inside wall cavities, so people don’t realize the danger until it’s too late.

A strange odour from light switches, outlets, or circuit breakers must be investigated. Contact a licensed electrician for help.

2. Flickering or Dimming

Lights should remain steady when powered on. If your house lights are dimming or flickering, there is likely a problem in the system. Sometimes the issue is as simple as an overloaded circuit. You may resolve the problem by reducing the load on the circuit. If you have multiple appliances plugged into one circuit, separate them.

If moving appliances and devices to different outlets does not resolve the problem, you may need to call electricians for repair and installation. The professionals will inspect the system to determine the root cause of the flickering and dimming.

3. Strange Sounds

Circuit breakers use an alternating current, which is energy rushing through the system. The power can cause vibration and a low buzz or hum. Some humming or buzzing is normal. However, if the noise becomes excessive or you suddenly start noticing it, contact an electrician.

Sometimes, systems become overloaded, which can lead to louder vibrations. Too much energy can damage a system. A professional will need to assess and resolve the issue to ensure the continued functionality of your home’s electrical system.

4. Tripped Breakers

It is normal for a homeowner to experience an occasional tripped circuit breaker. That said, it is not normal for the same breaker to trip repeatedly and for seemingly no apparent reason. 

Breakers only trip for a reason, and if you have a breaker that keeps flipping, it likely means there is a shortage in the circuit. An electrician will inspect the system and assess the circuit to determine and resolve the problem.

Hire Electricians for Repair and Installations

Electrical systems are crucial to residential properties. While homeowners may think they are up to the task of minor repairs, they should assess their skills honestly. Electrical work is dangerous, and for your safety and the safety of your property, always hire electricians for repair and installation. Contact Handyman Connection to schedule an in-person meeting with a licensed electrician in the Saskatoon area.

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