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Plumbing  /  July 27, 2021

Common Reasons Why You Dont Have Hot Water

Common Reasons Why You Don't Have Hot Water

As an Etobicoke homeowner, you probably rely on your hot water supply every day for showering, washing dishes and clothing and for cooking meals. When something goes wrong and your hot water taps deliver cool water instead, there may be several problems that cause this issue. While troubleshooting the problem on your own may help you figure out the cause, knowing when to call us at Handyman Connection for plumbing services in Etobicokere can prevent do-it-yourself errors and offer you greater peace of mind. 

1. A Gas Leak 

If your home’s hot water tank has a gas leak, this can reduce hot water output as well as cause a dangerous situation for you and your family. You can detect a leak in several ways, including: 

  • A foul odour in your home’s water 
  • A change in your water’s taste 
  • An odd or bad smell near your water heater 

If you believe your hot water tank has a gas leak, it is wise to turn off the unit and call us for assistance. You may also want to contact your local gas company, as larger leaks could be quite dangerous. 

2. A Tripped Circuit Breaker 

If you have an electric water heater that suddenly stops working, you may want to begin your troubleshooting by checking the fuse box for a tripped circuit breaker. Sometimes, when too many appliances are running at once, the fuse box may flip the breaker to prevent overload. This is usually an easy fix, but it is a good idea to unplug or shut off other appliances while using the hot water tank. 

If you cannot find a tripped circuit or are uncertain about how your home’s fuse box operates, call us for electrical and plumbing services in Etobicoke. Our experienced handymen can help you locate your home’s fusebox and show you how to reset a tripped breaker in the future, as well as assist with other electrical issues that involve your hot water heater. 

3. A Flooded Compartment 

Even minor floods caused by overflowing water appliances or heavy rain can affect your hot water heater’s control compartment. When water enters the controls, it can short out them out completely or malfunction. If you are aware that a flood has affected your water heater’s control compartment, you can avoid injury to yourself and others by calling Handyman Connection for assistance. 

Our experienced technicians will troubleshoot your flooded hot water heater compartment and keep you in the loop about whether it can be repaired or if you might need a new system, depending on the severity of the flood. 

4. Incorrect Tank Size 

If you find that your home runs out of hot water much faster than it used to, then its tank size may no longer have the capacity to serve it. This can occur as your family grows or if you move in additional family members. As the number of people using the hot water in your home increases, so must the unit’s tank size. 

Calling us for plumbing services in Etobicoke can help you understand and identify any problems with your hot water heater’s tank size. Our technicians can inspect your tank and discuss different solutions, such as more efficient metering or installing a new, larger tank. You can also ask our handymen about whether an electric or gas heater is the more efficient option for your family’s needs. 

A malfunctioning water heater can seriously disrupt your daily cleaning and cooking routine and cause plenty of grumbling from family members who want to take a shower, but we are ready to help. Call us today for an estimate and gain peace of mind when it comes to the proper troubleshooting and repair of your home’s hot water delivery.

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