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Maintenance  /  January 5, 2024

How Regular Maintenance Can Increase Your Regina Home’s Value

How Regular Maintenance Can Increase Your Regina Home's Value

Maintaining and upgrading a house often feels like a never-ending task. However, the benefits that come with it cannot be overstated. Regular maintenance and installation of essential systems increase a home’s functionality, comfort, and overall value. Many homeowners need to pay more attention to the importance of regular property maintenance services, which can lead to costly repairs and even put the structure at risk.

In this blog post, we will discuss how our services are essential to maintaining your house value. We’ll also explore how much you should budget for repairs to ensure your house remains in top condition and retains its value in the long run.

Enhancing Curb Appeal 

When it comes to bolstering the value, curb appeal carries significant weight. You might wonder, “What is curb appeal?” Simply put, curb appeal is the attractiveness of a residential or commercial property as viewed from the street. An enticing curb appeal can fetch a higher resale value while establishing a solid first impression on potential buyers. Let’s explore how regular exterior maintenance can heighten this curb appeal. 

Exterior: The First Point of Contact 

The exterior is the first point of contact for anyone visiting or passing by your property. Whether it’s the shrubs in your front yard or the condition of your sidewalk, these elements collectively contribute to the public’s perception of your property. Regularly maintaining these parts can not only engage onlookers but also increase value. 

Essential Components of Regular Exterior Upkeep

  • Roof Repair: Your roof plays an integral role in protecting your house from the weather. Not only does it prevent water from seeping into your house, but it also offers insulation and helps maintain structural integrity.  Without regular inspection and maintenance, you could be looking at costly repairs. Ignoring potential problems can result in leaks, damaged shingles, or, in the worst-case scenario, a total roof collapse. 
  • Pressure Washing: Over time, the exterior might accumulate dirt and grime, making it appear older than it is. Regularly scheduled pressure washing can alleviate this problem, enhancing aesthetic appeal.
  • Gutter Cleanup: Gutters filled with debris can not only be unsightly, but they can cause water damage diminishing its value. Regular gutter cleaning prevents this problem.

Remember, the idea here isn’t just ongoing care—rather, it’s about taking proactive measures to avoid potential damages and subsequent costly repairs. Hence, enhancing your curb appeal can, in fact, translate to an increase in your property’s overall value.

How Regular Maintenance Can Increase Your Regina Home's Value

Increasing Value through Regular Inspection 

The role of regular home inspection in increasing value cannot be overemphasized. By conducting routine inspections, you can spot potential problem areas and unfortunately overlooked issues that could substantially reduce your property’s value if left unaddressed. 

The Power of Preventative Maintenance 

In many situations, noticing a problem early on can save you thousands of dollars in potential repairs. Preventative maintenance – the act of conducting regular, routine repairs to prevent larger issues – is key in this regard. This includes inspections of key systems, such as HVAC, plumbing, and electrical, as well as structural components like the foundation, roof, and walls. 

The Objective Eye: Home Inspections 

While you may be inclined to handle your own inspections, nothing beats the diligence and expertise of a professional inspector. These skilled individuals have the necessary training and experience to identify issues you may not notice or understand. They typically provide a comprehensive report, outlining any issues and recommending any necessary repairs or improvements. 

  • The Roof: Roofs can leak and deteriorate without showing clear signs. A professional inspection checks for any missing, broken, or curled shingles, rusted flashings, or other signs of wear and damage.
  • The Basement and Attic: These areas are prone to moisture buildup which can lead to mold growth and structural damage. An inspection assesses the presence of sealing, ventilation, and insulation issues.
  • Electrical System: Inspectors check for any outdated wiring, signs of overheating, or code violations that could result in a fire hazard.
  • Plumbing: A professional can spot slow leaks, outdated materials, corrosion, and other plumbing issues that could cause significant water damage over time.

Turning Inspections into Investments 

Once you’ve established what needs attention in your home, it’s then time to put those findings into action. Regular inspections not only help identify problems before they become expensive disasters but also provide you with the knowledge you need to prioritize improvements. By focusing on these areas and investing in high-quality materials and professional services, you can add considerable value to your Regina home.

By taking a practical and proactive stance, you not only ensure that your house remains in optimal condition, but you’re also investing in its value. So, why wait until a costly issue arises? 

How Much Should You Budget?

Figuring out how much to budget can be a bit of a puzzle. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, as the amount you need to set aside for maintaining your home in Regina, Saskatchewan will depend on several factors. Age, condition, and local weather conditions are among the variables that can influence this budget. 

General Guidelines 

As a general rule, homeowners should set aside around 1% to 3% of their property’s total value for annual maintenance. This means that if you own a house worth $300,000, you should ideally reserve between $3,000 and $9,000 yearly for upkeep. 

The 1% Rule and The Square Footage Rule 

While the 1% rule is a good starting point, another yardstick that might come in handy is the square footage rule. According to this formula, you should budget $1 per square foot of total area each year. It’s crucial to bear in mind, though, that these figures are estimates and the actual costs might vary.

How Your Home Is Aging 

An important aspect to remember is that with age, the need for upkeep may increase. Older homes often have more time-related wear and tear, meaning they may require more attention to keep them in excellent shape. Unique, archaic features of older homes—such as antique woodwork or leaded glass windows—may also add to this cost.

Consider the Local Weather 

Lastly, don’t forget to consider Regina’s climate. In regions that experience harsh winters, homes may need additional preventative action to withstand the elements. This should be factored in when you set a budget for your property’s preservation activities. 

Regular budgeting for repairs is an intelligent investment strategy that can significantly contribute to your property’s long-term value growth. It allows you to avoid the costly issues that come from neglect and keep your home looking its best. 

The Benefits of Hiring Handyman Connection

Choosing Handyman Connection for your maintenance and installation services carries with it a range of benefits. Beyond their wealth of experience and expertise, their diverse range of specialties means they can take on virtually any improvement project you have in mind. From basic =tasks like landscaping or paint jobs to complex installations, their professional handymen are committed to delivering quality service and exceeding your expectations.

With their commitment to ensuring customer satisfaction, they are your one-stop shop for increasing the value of your home. They understand that regular upkeep can be overwhelming, that’s why they handle it all, leaving you stress-free. So why wait? Take the next step toward preserving and enhancing the value of your property. Contact Handyman Connection today. Your home deserves the best, and that’s exactly what Handyman Connection provides.

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