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Plumbing  /  October 10, 2022

Regina Plumber: 3 Reasons Your Hot Water Isn’t Hot Enough

reasons your hot water isn’t hot enough

There are times during the year when you may not notice or care that your hot water is not as hot as it should be, primarily during the summer. Unfortunately, the time to struggle through is coming to an end as fall and winter are right around the corner. If your hot water is lukewarm or doesn’t last, contact plumbing services in Regina for help.

3 Causes for Temperature Problems With Your Hot Water

Water temperature fluctuations can occur, and depending on your system, they might be a symptom of overuse — so tell your hubby to stop hogging all the hot water. Still, if your water is rarely hot, there is likely an issue with the water heater. Plumbers suggest the problem can stem from a few different causes.

1. Broken Dip Tube

A dip tube is a device in the water heater responsible for pushing colder water down to the bottom of the tank. If the dip tube is not working, the colder water layer sits at the top of the tank nearest the outlet, meaning your faucets get the coldest water first.

Dip tubes can sometimes suffer cracks, which result in lukewarm water entering the pipe system. If your water heater is newer, this is likely not the culprit because dip tubes were primarily used in tanks 20 years ago.

2. Sediment Buildup

Water entering your tank likely contains mineral deposits, sand particles, and other debris. The problem is sediment settles at the bottom of the tank where manufacturers place the burners. When too much sediment covers the burners, you get lukewarm water from your faucets. This is a common problem in hard water areas.

The solution to sediment buildup is draining the tank. You can drain the tank yourself, but it can get messy if you are unfamiliar with the process. It is a better option to contact a professional plumber. The good news is you probably do not need a new water heater.

3. Leaky Tank

A leaky hot water tank will always result in colder showers because the water in the tank is continuously cycling. Leaks are either minor or major problems. If a leak is a major issue, you will probably notice puddles around the tank. Minor leaks might not be as obvious.

Never attempt to repair a leak on your own. Attempting DIY repairs can result in dangerous situations. You should always call a licensed plumber if you suspect a hot water tank leak.

Importance of Working With a Professional

People often attempt DIY solutions before calling in the professionals, but doing so risks greater expenses and injury. Hot water heaters can cause severe injuries, including burns, and damage to your property. Hiring a plumber near me ensures your safety and property are top priorities.

A licensed plumber can prevent you from making costly mistakes. Also, DIYers might attempt fixes on things that aren’t broken. A plumber will perform a thorough inspection before attempting any work to ensure they are working on the appropriate area and issue.

Hot water is necessary, but it also just feels nice on a cold winter morning. Unfortunately, some issues can arise with your water heater, causing an abundance of lukewarm water. While a water heater replacement is not always necessary, you must get to the bottom of the issue.

Are you having problems with your hot water? Contact Handyman Connection and request a plumbing inspection from a licensed and experienced professional. The company will connect you with an appropriate technician to get to the bottom of your lukewarm water issue. They will explain the problem and offer potential solutions, including the homeowner every step of the way.

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