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Remodeling  /  July 24, 2023

Winnipeg Handyman: Unbeatable Bedroom Remodelling Ideas

Bedroom Remodeling

Remodelling any room of the house is a huge undertaking, but there can be many payoffs to doing so. Remodelling a bedroom can be relatively easy and inexpensive compared to redoing a kitchen or bathroom, so it is a good option for homeowners who are looking to just dip their toes into the process. If you are thinking about hiring bedroom remodelling services in Winnipeg, consider these four fantastic bedroom remodelling ideas that a professional renovation service can assist you with.

1. Switching Up the Lighting 

The lighting in a room is something that is subtle and not generally noticeable until you put new lights in the room. This is why when you are undergoing home renovations, installing new types of lighting is something that is highly recommended. Some good options for bedrooms include:

  • Tables lamps for bedside reading 
  • Night lights for being able to see after getting up to use the restroom 
  • Lights that hang over the bed, which can easily be turned off from the bed before going to sleep 

If your bedroom has bright or harsh lighting, you might want to consider switching to warmer lightbulbs as those are more conducive to relaxing and trying to sleep. When undergoing a remodel, consider modifying your electrical system and placing lights in different locations throughout the bedroom.

2. Adding Personal Touches

Most people want to make their houses feel like their own, and a great way to do this is by adding details throughout your rooms that speak to you. Hanging photos or artwork on the walls is one of the simpler ways to do this. People can also redo the entire bedroom with a certain theme in mind. For example, you might do a nautical theme with certain curtain and bedding shades, as well as themed pictures on the walls.

If you have family keepsakes or heirlooms that you wish to show off, do not hesitate to do so. Displaying a few items of note around a room will not ruin its vibe and should not cause a perception of having too much clutter.

3. Installing New Floors

Installing new flooring is a great thing to do when remodelling your bedroom, especially since carpet, in particular, tends to show wear and tear over time. Many people opt to put in hardwood floors since they are easier to clean than carpets. If you want to still have some softness under your feet while walking around the bedroom, a large rug placed under the bed can do the trick. Whatever you choose, installing a new floor can do wonders for a room, and doing so is a great reason to look for a handyman near me.

4. Repainting the Room

Undergoing a new paint job in a room is another great reason to contact a professional since a bad paint job on the walls can disrupt the entire ambiance of a bedroom. Before repainting a room, think about the different vibes that colours give off. For example:

  • Yellow paint can give bright and cheerful energy to a room 
  • Blue wall colours can help people calm down, which might potentially help them get to sleep faster
  • Orange and red colours give energy to a room, which, depending on your goals, may not be the best for the bedroom but can be useful in other rooms 

Be careful with using white or beige paint colours, as those tones can give a sterile and uninviting vibe to a room.Always consult a professional prior to undergoing a remodel in your home. This is especially important if you need electrical or carpentry work. The professionals at Handyman Connection are always happy to speak with you about your home improvement goals.

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