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Electrical  /  February 23, 2023

Vaughan Electrician: Save on Your Electric Bill With These Tips

Save electricity with these tips

If your electricity bill is on the rise, then cutting back on the power you use is the smartest way to lower this necessary expense. Fortunately, there are some simple things you can do to reduce your usage and your monthly payment. Here are four great tips for lowering your energy costs, as well as who to turn to when you need quality electrical repair services for your home or business.

1) Cut the Lights

If you have a tendency to leave lights on when you exit a room, changing this bad habit is one of the easiest ways to reduce your electricity usage. Over time, getting everyone in your home used to flipping the switch in unoccupied areas has a noticeable impact on your energy bills.

It’s also a good idea to take advantage of natural light in your house by opening window shades on sunny days or moving your home office space to a brighter room. Sunlight not only provides electricity-free illumination, but it also naturally warms your house, so you won’t need to run your winter heater as often.

2) Close Doors and Windows

There’s no sense in heating or cooling the outdoors, so avoid running your furnace or air conditioning units when your doors and windows are open. If your home feels stuffy, just switch off your units while you air the place out, and don’t turn anything back on until you’re sure everything’s been shut.

Be certain, as well, that any openings to the outside of your home are tightly sealed. Each winter and spring, inspect your window and door frames for leaks that could let costly warmed or cooled air escape. Even the smallest gaps and cracks can waste a significant amount of energy.

3) Unplug Appliances When Not in Use

Did you know that some of the appliances in your home are still using electricity even when they’re switched off? While it’s necessary to keep your refrigerator or programmed devices plugged in, there are plenty of other items around your home that are racking up unnecessary kilowatt hours just by being connected to a socket.

While entertainment electronics are major consumers of this phantom energy, there are other items that should also be unplugged to reduce waste. Disconnecting small appliances like your microwave, coffee maker, and even your toaster when they’re not in use cuts your electricity use.

4) Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Appliances

For appliances that are impractical or inconvenient to unplug, opt for models that have high ratings when it comes to energy efficiency. Switching out your refrigerator, oven, washer, dryer, and dishwasher for ones that make smarter use of energy reduces your electricity bill, and you’ll probably see a drop in your water invoice as well. As a bonus, updated appliances typically work more quickly and dependably than outdated ones, saving you time and delivering better results on top of cutting your costs.

Turn to Handyman Connection To Find the Best Electrician in Vaughan

Now that you know how simple it is to save money on your electricity bill, it’s time to put these tips to use. Just keep in mind that although taking action to cut back is easily managed by even the least experienced do-it-yourselfer, when it comes to tackling electrical installation or repair work it’s safer and less expensive in the long run to hire a professional.

The next time you need high-quality, helpful service at your home or office, contact Handyman Connection. Our experts are ready to assist you with any service, whether it’s a minor electrical fix-it issue or a full remodel or renovation project. Reach out to us for a an estimate from a top Vaughan professional today!

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