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Painting  /  February 16, 2022

Vaughan Remodelling Services: 4 Colours To Paint Your Hallways

4 colours to paint your hallway

Figuring out which colour or colours to paint the hallways in your house can be a daunting task. No one wants it to look like tunnels learning from one room to the next, but sometimes traditional colours can be dull too. Learn more about which colours are best for hallways and who to call for painting services in Vaughan.

Transitional Spaces Require Transitional Colours

Hallways are transitional spaces. This positioning means that no one typically spends time lounging or relaxing in a hallway area. There is no seating area for talking and no nook for eating. Hallways are purely for movement. However, not all transitions are the same.

Some homes are blessed with the perfect hallway and a reasonable amount of sports. On the other hand, some houses have absurdly short hallways with many doors. Even still, some hallways seem never-ending and can seem somewhat ominous to traverse.

To determine which colour would best benefit your hallway, you first have to be honest about its state. Take time to create a list of areas you would like to highlight or features you wish you had or didn’t have. Once you have identified the look you want your hallway to have, you can set about finding the right paint.

Colours That Make Seamless Transitions

For many homes, white is and always will be the standard transitional colour for hallways. White creates a bright background for photos, paintings, or lighting featured on the hallway walls. However, white comes in more than just one standard option, and other up-and-coming colour choices are also making their way into hallways.

Light Blue

Light blue is a practical hallway colour that replicates the transition from day to night, making it a natural fit in your transitional spaces. Moving out of just bathrooms and baby rooms, light blue is becoming more and more popular in other home areas. If you arent quite ready to commit to light blue in a larger common area of your home yet, try the hallway first and see how it suits you there.


White is the lasting foundation of hallway colours, but don’t turn away from the old standby out of boredom just yet. White comes in more than one tone and shade to accommodate the different needs of your home.

Generally, interior designers and paint professionals like those at Handyman Connection in Vaughan would recommend white hallway paint because it increases light in an otherwise dark area. When you choose bright white, especially a semi-gloss variety, it reflects any light in the home and adds glow to your dim hallway.


Like all other paint options, grey comes in varying tones and shades. Though sometimes considered drab, grey is the most neutral of all transitional colours. It is a fantastic transitional colour for homes with a neutral palette throughout.

For most hallways, the darker shades of grey will not be an approachable option as it makes hallways look like dark tunnels. Stick to white-washed greys and other light grey options to continue the neutral colour selection of the house. If done successfully, the hallway colour might not even register, and the focus will be on getting from one area of interest to the other.


For those looking to add a warmer boost of light colour to a hallway, peach is an outlier that is gaining in popularity. Lighter shades of peach add a hint of colour while retaining the light and airy nature necessary for keeping the hallway well-lit and accessible. Consider painting a peach hallway with other rooms that are white or very lightly tinted with colour.

To add the right paint colour to your hallways and maximize your transitional space, contact the professionals at Handyman Connection in Vaughan today to schedule a consultation and estimate.

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