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Remodeling  /  November 23, 2022

4 Tips To Create a Study Space for Students

Create the perfect study space for students

Where do your children do their homework or study? They may do schoolwork at the kitchen table or propped up in their beds, but this may not be the most efficient or effective method. Setting up dedicated study spaces at home with the help of professional remodelling services in Vaughan may help to improve their grades and also prevent long-term health complaints. Here are some tips for creating a dedicated study space for students within your home.

1. Choose a Place That Is Quiet and Free From Distractions

Some people say that they need a little noise and activity around them to concentrate effectively, but most people find this distracting. You can take cues from your children in this regard and ask them where they study most effectively, but generally speaking, most people concentrate best in quiet spaces.

The place you choose for your child’s study space should be well away from the noise and activity of the rest of the house. This may be a corner of your child’s bedroom, but toys and other amusements could prove to be a distraction. Basements and attics are examples of places that you could possibly convert into a study space for your child. You could also possibly convert an extra bedroom or unused dining room, if available, perhaps even a walk-in closet. The most important consideration is that you choose a space that meets your child’s academic needs.

2. Make Sure the Necessary Technology Is Supported

A lot of education takes place online or on computers these days. When you were a student, a computer may have been a luxury, but now it is considered essential for students of all ages.

The school may provide a laptop for your child to use, or you may have to purchase a computer. In either case, the study space should either have its own outlets or be near a convenient charging station. If there isn’t a way to connect the computer directly to the internet, it needs to have a strong Wi-Fi signal. Ultimately, you need to make sure that the space can support a student’s technology needs, whatever they may be.

3. Observe Ergonomics

You may think that repetitive stress injuries are something that only affects adults, but children and teens can suffer overuse injuries as well, especially if they have to spend a lot of time working on the computer. Choose a chair for the study space that is designed for sitting for long periods of time and that is sized appropriately for your child. Make sure that your child’s feet can rest flat on the floor when he or she is sitting or, if they cannot, consider using a footrest. The computer screen should be at or slightly below your child’s eye level and approximately two feet away from his or her face.

4. Ensure Proper Lighting

Eye strain is common among students who try to work and study without adequate illumination. You may think that if your child is reading from a computer screen, no other illumination is needed, but the blue light can be hard on their eyes. Lighting should be sufficient to illuminate what your child is doing but positioned in such a way that it does not produce too much glare on the computer screen. Task lighting in the form of a desk lamp may be appropriate. Natural light is good if you can position your child’s study area next to a window, but that may not be possible.

Contact Handyman Connection for Remodelling Services in Vaughan

Our experienced craftspeople can translate your vision for your space into reality. Let us help you create the perfect study spaces at home for your children.

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