4 Landscape Lighting Tips
There is nothing better than spending time in the fresh air, especially when it is at your own home. Whether...
Low Flow – Is It the Way to Go?
Low flow appliances, as you can probably imagine, use significantly less water than traditional appliances. Low flow appliances include things...
A Basic Guide to Planning Your New Patio
So you have decided you want a new patio in your yard. Perhaps your yard does not have a patio...
3 Upgrades That Will Enhance Your Backyard
A backyard, whether large or small, has the opportunity to be a wasted space or be an extension of livable...
3 Reasons to Install a New Shower
One of the most relaxing sanctuaries and sources of spa-like Zen in any home is the shower. It is the...
3 Ways to Make Your Home Smart
Modern home builds are all about having “smart” features. Everything from lighting, to television, to cooling, to appliances are all...
French Doors vs. Sliding Doors
Many homeowners want to open up their home a bit, allow the breeze in, and have an indoor/outdoor option when...
Top 4 Handyman Projects
There are most likely very few homeowners that would tell you that everything that needs to be done around the...
Importance of Securely Anchored Furniture for Child Safety
If you are a new (or not so new) parent, you know that protecting your child’s safety is of utmost...