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Electrical  /  May 1, 2024

6 Easy-to-Overlook Electrical Hazards at Home

Electrical safety is a cornerstone of a secure and harmonious home. While enjoying the comfort and convenience electricity brings, it’s critical to remain vigilant about its potential dangers. Electrical hazards can lurk unseen, posing significant risks to your home’s safety. To help safeguard your living space and loved ones, watch out for these six commonly overlooked electrical issues.

1. Outdated or Poor Wiring and Electrical Panels

One of the most common reasons for electrical mishaps in homes is outdated, poor, or damaged wiring and electrical panels. Aging infrastructure can lead to corrosion and wear, increasing the risk of electrical fires. Regular electrical maintenance checks are imperative for detecting issues early and ensuring your home’s electrical system is up to current standards. Seek the help of experts to inspect your electrical system, especially if your home is more than 20 years old. Professionals can assess the need for upgrades or replacements, enhancing your safety.

2. Overloaded Circuits

Another critical hazard is overloaded circuits, which are common in older homes that weren’t designed for the electrical demands of modern life. Using multiple high-wattage appliances simultaneously can strain your electrical system and potentially lead to overheating and fires.

To avoid this, be cautious about the number of devices you use at once and consider installing additional circuits or outlets. Ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) are also beneficial in preventing overload by automatically shutting off power when a fault is detected.

3. Exposure to Water

Electricity and water are a dangerous combination. In areas like bathrooms and kitchens, where water use is prevalent, electrical appliances and outlets require extra caution. Ensure all appliances are properly grounded, and keep them away from sinks, bathtubs, and water spills.

Using appliances designed for bathroom use and installing GFCI outlets can dramatically reduce the risk of shock and electrocution in wet conditions.

4. Faulty or Damaged Appliances

Regular wear and tear can render electrical appliances hazardous over time. Faulty appliances not only consume more electricity but also pose a risk of fires or electrocution. Always monitor the condition of your appliances and replace or repair any that show signs of damage or malfunction.

Regularly servicing your appliances can extend their life and ensure they operate safely. At Handyman Connection of Mason, we offer appliance repair services that can help keep your home safe from electrical hazards.

5. Improper Use of Light Bulbs

Incorrectly installing light bulbs of the wrong wattage can lead to overheating, fixture damage and even fires. Always check the maximum wattage recommended for your fixtures and adhere to it. Opt for LED bulbs where possible, as they conduct less heat and are more energy-efficient.

6. Extension Cord Misuse

Extension cords are a temporary solution and should not be used as a long-term fix. Overloading or improperly using extension cords can result in fires or tripping hazards. Make sure your extension cords are in good condition, appropriately rated for their use, and kept out of pathways where they can cause tripping.

Increase your home’s safety by addressing electrical hazards promptly. Trust Handyman Connection of Mason for professional assistance to ensure your electrical system is in top condition. Call (513) 733-3777 or fill out our online form to schedule a consultation.

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