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Plumbing  /  October 31, 2023

Valley Ridge Handyman: 4 Signs Its Time to Replace Your Toilet

Valley Ridge Handyman_ 4 Signs It's Time to Replace Your Toilet

Toilets are one of those necessary appliances that most people don’t think twice about as long as they’re working. When they’re not working, toilets can cause all sorts of headaches, from overflowing bowls to running water. Drain cleaning services can resolve many issues stemming from clogs, but sometimes, the only thing a homeowner can do is replace the toilet.

How do you know when it’s time to replace a toilet? On average, homeowners replace their toilets every 10 to 15 years; however, most toilets can last up to 50 years when maintained.

Like most appliances, a failing toilet shows signs of age. Discover four signs that it is time to replace yours.

Signs a Toilet Replacement Is Necessary

Experienced plumbers can resolve and repair most toilet issues without a necessary replacement. Still, there will come a time when even the most durable appliances reach the end of their useful life.

Toilets are among the most often used devices in a house. When cared for, they can survive through decades of use. Even when minor issues occur, such as clogs or subtle leaks, a licensed plumber can make necessary repairs to keep the toilet in working order.

At some point, however, the minor issues give way to persistent or significant problems. An aging toilet will usually display four warning signs that it’s on its last leg.

1. Leaks

With regular use, it is normal for toilets to shift on their foundation incrementally. The minimal shifting can loosen connections on the tank or create tiny gaps around the base. Any loose or unintentionally open area can result in leaks. Typically, leaks from a toilet tank or around its base are easy fixes. A plumber only needs to tighten connections and reseal the base to the floor.

When leaks become more frequent and connections are no longer holding, it suggests the tank might be wearing down. You should replace the unit as soon as possible.

2. Running Water

Handyman Connection’s drain cleaning and plumbing services often respond to residences experiencing running water in the toilets. The common culprit of running water is a worn flapper or broken float mechanism. Repairing these items is inexpensive and often a quick fix.

Running water becomes an issue when the tank components are in working order, indicating a problem in the flush and drain mechanism or valves. Issues within the toilet drain and body usually mean it is more cost-effective to replace the appliance.

3. Frequent Clogs

As toilets age, they may need more than one flush to get the job done. That said, they may also start experiencing frequent clogs. While occasional clogs are typical in a household, having to plunge the toilet every other day or more is a problem that usually indicates it’s time for an upgrade.

4. Cracks in the Tank

While a handyman in Valley Ridge can help you replace flappers and floats, there is little they can do for cracks, especially below the waterline. A crack below the waterline usually requires a tank replacement — most homeowners find it more practical to replace the entire toilet.

Not all cracks are immediately visible. Hairline cracks are extremely difficult to locate. The only sign of the issue is pooling around the toilet’s base.

Drain Cleaning Services in Valley Ridge

Drain cleaning and plumbing services can help you evaluate the performance of your toilet. A professional can inspect the system for loose connections, cracks, and other potential problems, advising you about when it is best to repair or replace it. Contact Handyman Connection to schedule an appointment with a licensed plumber in the Valley Ridge area.

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