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Home Maintenance  /  September 18, 2017

How To Properly Repair Small Areas With Wood Rot

Although repairing rotting wood surfaces might seem like a complex and tricky task, it’s actually a relatively simple repair project to do – provided that you have the right materials and the know-how to fix it. Handyman Connection of Rockville discusses how to properly repair small wood surfaces with rot.

Wood Rot

Tools and Materials You Need

You’ll need the following tools for this project:

– a paintbrush

– a putty knife

– a rasp

– a sanding block

– a utility knife

– a wood chisel

Additionally, you’ll want to source a polyester filler and a wood hardener or consolidant. We also suggest you get sandpaper with 100 grit for the finishing touches. Make sure you only remove the rotted parts as you don’t want to damage the surface that has no rot.

The First Steps

First, you’ll want to remove the rotted wood part with a sharp tool or a 5-in-1. Next, mix the polyester wood filler and press it firmly into the recesses of the wood surface using your putty knife. Make sure you fill the entire rotted portion of the wood surface with the wood filler thoroughly. Don’t leave any gaps or holes as they might cause problems later on.

Shaping and Smoothing

Next, it’s time to shape and smooth the wood surface. You’ll want to “carve” the now partially hardening and sagging wood filler with your putty knife or chisel, and simply shape the filler into place. Apply another layer of filler as necessary, and make sure you don’t let it harden if you’re not finished shaping it.

Let the filler set and harden for a couple of minutes. Once that’s done, all that you really need to do is sand the surface and get rid of any aberrations. Repaint the newly repaired part of the wood as necessary.

For larger wood surfaces with extensive rot, let our team at Handyman Connection of Rockville help you out. You can count on us to address extensive rot damage on wooden floors and walls. Fill out our form or give us a call at (301) 740-8865 for more information on our services.

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