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Home Improvement  /  March 16, 2017

Effective Ways to Live Green Without Sacrificing Style

As the years go by, our perspective of having a green, eco-friendly lifestyle continues to change, especially when it comes to our homes. Nowadays, doing our part to protect the environment means more than simply recycling things around our spaces. Most of the upgrades done today involve utilizing energy-efficient tools that can improve comfort levels, as well as reduce carbon footprint and energy costs.

Live Green

If you want to create a greener home for your family without compromising style, Handyman Connection® of Rockville can help. Here are some tips to live green and still enjoy your living spaces.

  • Install Quality Insulation – Insulating specific areas of your home, particularly the attic and living room, is a great way to reduce energy loss through the roof, windows, and walls. This is most helpful in winter when necessary heat can escape from gaps and cracks. By having high-quality insulation, you can regulate your indoor atmosphere while saving on heating costs.
  • Choose the Right Paint – Many materials around the home might contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Since they are harmful chemicals, they might have an impact on your health when you’re constantly exposed to them. They are usually found in paints, so before buying new paint to apply on your walls, be sure to choose options low in VOCs.
  • Dispose of Items “Greenly” – Keep your spaces clutter-free through proper disposal of unnecessary items. Composting is also a valuable practice, as it helps you reduce landfill waste directly while producing natural fertilizer for your garden.
  • Invest in Energy-Saving Light Bulbs – You may think that you’re saving energy by using traditional incandescent bulbs. What you need to know, however, is that electrical lighting can burn up to 25% of your home energy budget. Light Emitting Diode (LED) and Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL) bulbs are more energy-efficient options you should consider. In fact, they use about 25% to 80% less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs.

While these upgrades let you live in a healthier home and save on energy costs at the same time, they don’t make your spaces look and feel boring. Ask Handyman Connection of Rockville for help with implementing green projects like these in your home. Our experienced crew is always ready to find solutions to your home’s needs.

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