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Uncategorized  /  May 18, 2022

Pasadena Contractor – 5 Top Reasons Renovation Costs Can Go High

Pasadena Contractor – May 17, 2022 – If you ask some people who have done home renovations by using a Pasadena Contractor in Los Angeles, they will tell you if they had known the cost they’d incur they’d have built a new home altogether.

However, the reality is that it is possible to carry out home renovation that is cost-effective. Read on to learn why the cost of renovating a home sometimes goes overboard and how using a Pasadena Contractor can help keep the cost low.

Pasadena Contractor
Handyman Connection of Pasadena – Pasadena Contractor

Failure To Create A Guiding Checklist

This checklist is equivalent to a master budget. The list would include all items required for the renovations, all anticipated administrative costs like logistics and permits, and any other anticipated needs.

This master list helps to identify any items already available at home, so that the things that need to be bought or sourced from somewhere else can be consolidated.

To further contain the home renovation costs, any items that can be acquired through rentals or lease are marked, and only those that need to be bought are included in the budget.

Failure To Set A Budget

A budget indicates the amount set aside for specific items and services, and so the risk of overspending is minimized. Also, the chance of misdirecting money to unplanned tasks is avoided.

For example, money intended for replacement of kitchen sinks cannot be used to elevate the kitchen ceiling.

Exaggerating Home Amenities

Usually, one renovates a home not just to make it comfortable and appealing to the family, but also to ensure it would quickly get a buyer if it were to be put on the market.

It is important to remember there are other important features home buyers look for besides amenities. For example, potential home owners not only consider the location of the property, but also the number and size of bedrooms it has.

If a home would fetch the same amount of money after as before the renovations, it is a sign the homeowner has gone overboard with the renovation costs.

Making Unworthy Modifications

Home modifications can be considered unworthy if their costs do not correspond to the value they add to the property. It is important to find out the features most popular among potential home buyers, before determining how much to spend on renovations and what specifically to modify.

Currently, many property seekers in the US are tending to go for homes with four bedrooms, rather than those with two or three or even seven bedrooms. They consider below four bedrooms too few and seven and above unnecessary.

Obviously, the kind of property whose demand is high is bound to score a higher price.

Building Too Many Structures In The Yard

Many property buyers prefer a home with a spacious yard to one with just a few square feet for residents to walk around.

A gazebo and a barbecue place, for example, may be impressive additions in an average home, but they may also be a put-off to someone looking to buy a home with ample parking and playground.

Ignoring The Value Of Local Properties

It is advisable to first check out the going price of homes in a given area, to avoid overdoing in renovation costs.

A highly renovated home may stand out among others in the locality, but that does not guarantee potential buyers will be willing to pay a price higher than that of any other home around.


Ensuring your property undergoes proper maintenance on a continued basis is a surer way of increasing the property value, than making extravagant upgrades in a random manner.

Identify a handyman service provider of repute, with enough staff to respond to your calls whenever you need a home feature repaired, modified or serviced.

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