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Home Maintenance  /  June 13, 2018

Keeping Your Bathroom Drains Clog-Free

The bathroom may be the wettest area in your home, but it doesn’t have to be all the time. Excessive moisture in this area not only encourages mold growth, which poses a health risk, but also creates a slipping hazard. Clean, clog-free drains are crucial to keep these things from happening.

Hair on the Stopper

The most common cause of drain clogs is hair getting caught in the drain stopper. The strainer keeps the hair from getting into the actual pipes, but enough strands might end up getting past those strainers. Most drains have easily removable strainers and can be cleaned up once a week. However, severe cases of hair buildup may require using a wire or a sewer snake to resolve deeper clogs.

Gunk Buildup

Other things can also cause pipes to become clogged. Common culprits include accumulated oil or grease, soap scum and even mold growth. While rare, the buildup can be severe enough that they completely close off the pipes. You can get rid of this kind of buildup with a plunger or a sewer snake. You can also try pouring hot water down the drain to melt off solids causing the clog.

Check Sink Trap

Sinks have something called a sink trap, which is the U-shaped part of the pipe. Most sink pipes have a plug that can be twisted open to remove the trapped water and usually the mess causing the clog. Place a bucket right underneath the sink trap to avoid making a mess on the floor.

Vinegar First

You may be tempted to reach for the nearest chemical to dissolve whatever’s causing drain clogs, but those are extremely corrosive and they can damage the interior of your pipes (plus they also contribute to ground pollution). Before whipping out the “big guns”, see if you can get rid of the clog by pouring in hot water and vinegar. Treat specialized de-clogging substances as a last resort option.

If you’re still having problems with persistent drain clogs, don’t hesitate to call the pros. Handyman Connection is a leading provider of plumbing and drain cleaning services. Call us at (770) 727-8045 or fill out this online form to request a quote.

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