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home maintenance  /  May 7, 2019

The Tell-Tale Signs It’s Time to Call a Plumber

It’s hard to tell when a plumbing issue is something you can handle on your own or a major problem that you should call a plumber to your home to check on its status. Thankfully, there are ways to tell if it’s the latter.

In this post, Handyman Connection® of Winter Park discusses the various signs that it’s time to call a plumber to your home.

Drainage Failure

If you hear a gurgling sound in your bathtub, sink or toilet, there’s a good chance that the plumbing is clogged. This means the water will not drain and can even worsen if not repaired immediately. You can attempt to fix this with a plunger, drain cleaners or drain snakes but if those methods fail, it’s time to call a plumber before it gets worse.

Leaky Faucet

Not all leaky faucets are easy to repair and can result in a lot of wasted water if not fixed immediately. Call a plumber to rectify this as a faucet leak can increase  your water bill faster than expected.

Inconsistent Water Pressure

If you notice any water pressure issues around your home, such as poor water pressure in a faucet, it’s best you call a plumber to check on things. While it’s possible for you to fix it yourself, you might have a bigger issue in your water supply that’s best left to the professionals.

Home Renovation Projects

If you’re doing any home renovations that involve plumbing, call a plumbing service provider instead of doing it yourself. DIY-ing your plumbing might result in a huge mess. A professional can help you avoid this and also ensure the proper permits are acquired and everything is up to code.

Water Damage

Water damage, such as water stains and mold, can be hazardous to your household’s health. So, if your home starts showing any signs of water damage, call a plumber or a water restoration specialist as soon as possible.

Sewage Odor

Nobody likes it when their home suddenly starts reeking of rotten eggs, which is a sign of sewage odor. If your home suddenly starts exuding sewage odor, then you might have a broken sewer pipe in your home. This can cause environmental issues and even damage your foundation so call a plumber as soon as you start smelling sewage odor in your home.

For the best plumbing services, turn to Handyman Connection of Winter Park for your home maintenance needs. We are your number one provider of remodeling and plumbing services. Give us a call at (407) 270-2348 or fill out our contact form to request an estimate.

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