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home maintenance  /  October 24, 2018

Home Maintenance 101: How to Spot Possible Plumbing Problems

As a homeowner, it can be quite difficult for you to keep track of the various home maintenance concerns that pop up seemingly out of nowhere. When you’re attending to other important matters, plumbing problems are the last thing you’d want to deal with. Handyman Connection® of Winter Park lends a hand by listing down the symptoms of possible plumbing problems.

Leaking Faucets

The steady, dripping sounds from leaky faucets are annoying. But bothersome sounds are the least of your worries. If left unfixed, dripping faucets can cause your water bills to skyrocket. More often than not, leaking faucets are a result of worn valve seats. If your valves cannot be removed, you should consider replacing the entire faucet. Alternatively, you can also hire a professional plumbing company for the job.

Slow Drains

Drains that take too long to clear out turn an otherwise pleasant activity, such as showering, into an unappealing chore. Clogged drains are perhaps some of the most common plumbing issues encountered by homeowners. Thankfully, clogging can easily be prevented by installing drain screens in your sinks, tubs and shower stalls. Drain cleaners are also a quick albeit temporary solution. Keep in mind that cleaners contain chemicals that can damage the interior parts of the pipes.

Gurgling sounds from your drains as the water clears out are also signs of blockage in the pipes. If slow drains are a recurring problem in your household, your plumbing could have major clogging.

Unpleasant Smells

Since drainage pipes deal with generally unpleasant stuff, it makes sense that they will also produce unpleasant smells, right? Wrong. Your plumbing has a component called the P-trap. It is the curved part of your pipes. The P-trap collects the debris from your sink. It also prevents sewer gases and insects from coming back up into your home. 

Usually, unpleasant smells from the drainage indicate that the P-trap has dried up. Try running the sink for a minute or so. If this step fails to eliminate the smell, you might have a bigger problem at hand, and it’s time to call us.

At Handyman Connection of Winter Park, we understand the importance of staying on top of your home maintenance chores. For more information about our professional services, contact us at (407) 270-2348.

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