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home maintenance  /  August 30, 2018

Plumbing Repair Basics Every Homeowner Should Know

Pipes tend to leak, sweat, freeze and even make loud noises. These can all result in plumbing problems at or near your sink, tub and toilet. To avoid these issues, learn the basic plumbing repairs you can do by yourself.

Fixing Leaky Plumbing Pipes

One of the first things to do is to look for the source of leaks. Damaged pipes, for example, need a replacement to prevent water from escaping. This, however, is easier said than done. As an alternative, you can use patch kits to solve this problem. You can also create your patch out of heavy rubbers from an old inner tube and a C-clamp.

Note, however, that some plumbing repairs are more challenging to handle than the others. For instance, pipes hidden behind walls or under floors may be more difficult to fix and may require more tools and a load of patience.

Minimizing Noise From Your Plumbing Pipes

The sound of banging pipes isn’t something you want to hear every time you turn your faucet on. Use padding or foam insulation at each end where the pipe emerges from behind the wall to prevent this noise. You can also cut a patch of rubber and insert it behind the loose strap or clamp to fill in the gap.

Moreover, supply pipes and drain pipes that run next to each other may clatter. Solve this by soldering the two pipes together. Wedging a piece of rubber between them is another to address this pipe noise.

Your knowledge about plumbing repairs can help keep your home free from water damage. Count on Handyman Connection® of Winter Park to help you address issues that may affect your home’s structural integrity. Call us today at (407) 270-2348 or fill out our online form to get an estimate.

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