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Home Improvement  /  July 23, 2018

Goodbye Gaps: How to Apply Caulk Like the Pros

Caulking may seem like a straightforward process at first glance, but the slightest mistakes can easily lead to poor results. It’s important to learn the right way to apply caulk so you don’t have to redo the entire thing over again. Check out this quick guide and you’ll be caulking like a pro in no time.

Choosing Your Caulk

You can’t just use any caulk for any application. Some caulks are designed just to cover unsightly gaps on a surface while others are specially made to prevent moisture from seeping through. Our renovation experts can help you choose the right caulk for your project to ensure the best results.

Get a Caulk Gun

Applying the caulk as evenly as possible is the key to getting those gaps good. This is why our experts recommend using a caulk gun. A caulk gun is easy to use and a lot less messy than just dabbing globs of caulk on the gap with a stick or brush; just load it up with a cartridge and give the trigger a squeeze for a nice, even layer.

A Clean Start

Don’t apply new caulk to a gap that has already been caulked before. To avoid air pockets from ruining your work, scrape off all of the old caulk. You can get rid of bits of the old caulk with a brush or a vacuum cleaner. If you’re applying caulk to prevent leaks (like in kitchen sinks or bathroom corners), make sure that the gap is completely dry so the caulk sets properly.

A Neat Finish

Many homeowners have a difficult time making a neat job because bits of caulk end up going beyond the gap’s edges. You can avoid this mistake by putting tape along the edges of the gap before applying the caulk. The tape will keep your caulk from clinging to the surfaces next to the gap, ensuring a neater finish.

Learning to apply caulk like a pro is great, but you can always call us for even better results. Handyman Connection® can provide you with caulking and general home renovation solutions. Call us at (407) 270-2348 or fill out our online contact form to get an estimate.

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