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Home Improvement  /  August 15, 2019

Pre-Renovation Preparations You Absolutely Must Do

As rewarding as the results can be, many homeowners still find renovation projects to be extremely stressful. Balancing budgets, organizing schedules and finding solutions for all the little problems that pop up can take its toll on even the most enterprising DIY-er. You can greatly lessen the burden of an upcoming home renovation by cutting up the tasks into small manageable portions and spreading them out over a period of time.

Of course, this requires an immense amount of preparation. Let our professional craftsmen at Handyman Connection® of Wichita East provide you with some important points to remember while getting ready for a major renovation.

Note What You Have and Plan Ahead

Do an inventory of all the important things in your home. This includes furniture, appliances, supplies and other related items. This can help you for insurance purposes (in case something goes awry during your project) and will keep everything organized the whole time. Find a way to move belongings that could get in the way of the work. If you have ready materials at home, this could also lessen the number of things you’ll have to purchase.

Mesh Schedules With Security

You can expect heavy foot traffic inside your home from contractors coming and going during your renovation. Secure important documents in a safe place to avoid having to look for them once everything is completed. Consider installing smart locks on your door as well to give specific contractors limited access to your home during specific times of the day.

Document Everything

Keep all insurance, contracts, receipts and other work-related documents safe but within reach. Half of the stress of home renovations come from having to sort through piles of paperwork before, during and after the project. Organizing them from the start and as you go along will help lessen your headache in the long run.

Find everything you need for stress-free home renovation at Handyman Connection of Wichita East. Give us a call at (316) 202-6565  or fill out our contact form to requestestimates today.

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