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Electrical  /  November 20, 2019

Electrical Safety 101: Avoiding Electrical Shocks at Home

While the home is considered by many as a safe place. However, accidents such as getting electrically shocked can still happen in and around the home. The good news is that you can take precautionary measures that can decrease the likelihood of electrical shocks.

Here are some simple ways to keep yourself and the rest of your family safe from electrical shocks at home.

Cover Electrical Outlets

This is one of the simplest ways to avoid unexpected electrical jolts when you’re near a power outlet. Covering electrical outlets is also an effective way to protect your kids against electrical shocks. There are newer types of outlet covers that keep the plugs shut when not in use. A nice bonus is that covered electrical outlets also look better, especially if you’re going for a more streamlined look for your home’s interior.

Upgrade Your Power Outlets

Newer technologies have higher electrical requirements. Older or outdated electrical sockets might not be able to power your major appliances and might put you in harm’s way by sparking up when you try plugging newer devices. If your home still has the two-prong outlets, have these upgraded to the three-pronged variants that can regulate electricity better and are generally safer to use.

Avoid Overloading Extension Cords

This also applies to power cords, electrical outlets and temporary power source setups around the home. Never plug in major appliances in one outlet or extension cord, as this can lead to overheating or short-circuiting.

Never Attempt DIY Repairs

If you see bright yellow sparks lasting for a few seconds coming out of your electrical outlets, immediately shut off the power to the particular area from the circuit breaker. Call your trusted licensed electrical technician to inspect and fix the damage.

While some electrical shocks are non-fatal, you should always be careful when plugging and unplugging devices and appliances into your electrical outlets. If you’d like to have your power outlets upgraded or inspected to avoid accidents, please don’t hesitate to call Handyman Connection® of Wichita East at (316) 425-9292.

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