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Home Improvement  /  January 2, 2019

Safety Tips for Fireplace Season

If you have a fireplace in your home and are looking forward to cozying up and enjoying the soothing warmth of your luxury, Handyman Connection of Victoria wants to ensure you are careful beforehand. Properly maintaining the fireplace and using these careful steps to monitor the flames will ensure that your family and home is safe this winter season.

Regularly Clean out the Fireplace – When ashes are left and accumulated, they can build up quickly and catch fire at any time, when you least expect it. Make sure that you clean out your fireplace at least once a week if you burn a fire frequently.

Install a Carbon Monoxide Detector – When a fireplace flue is left closed or closes over a smoldering fire, the risk for poisoning of the “silent killer” occurs. Carbon Monoxide is a tasteless, odorless and colorless gas which is the most important hazard to pay avoid when you have a fireplace. Call Handyman Connection of Victoria to install a carbon monoxide detector if you do not already have one as they are essential for protecting your home and family.

Never Turn your Back on a Fire – Fires that are left unsupervised can create accidents that you would least expect. Handyman Connection of Victoria suggests that unless you are going to be around for the full length of the burning fire, do not start one to avoid these accidents.

Yearly Clean and Inspect your Chimney – A qualified professional should clean your chimney every season to ensure that creosote is wiped away. This byproduct is extremely flammable and is released and deposited on the lining of your chimney when a wood fire burns in your fireplace. While there, have them complete a thorough inspection of the fireplace to identify and address any potential hazards.

Let the Pros Help

Handyman Connection of Victoria wants to ensure you can enjoy the warmth and comfort of a crackling fire but also using safe fire practices. Call the experts today to ensure that your home is ready for fireplace season.

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