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Maintenance & Installations  /  January 17, 2018

Handy Tips to Ensure your Pipes do not Freeze

At this point of the year, family gatherings and other special occasions are the focus of families across the country. The last thing you want is to be interrupted by busted water pipes and the flooding, structural damage and potential mold that could possibly result. Handyman Connection can offer a few simple precautions and a little plumbing maintenance that can prevent these disasters from happening.
1- Maintain a Steady Household Temperature – Although you may think you are saving money by turning your thermostat down at night, this can cause damage to your pipes. The temperature can plummet at night which then makes it harder to warm the pipes up in the morning if your thermostat is too low.
2- Take Precautions before going out of Town – The worst thing to come home to after a vacation is a flooded house. Before you leave, ensure you drain the water system by turning on the faucets and flushing all the toilets. Also make sure you don’t leave the thermostat any lower then 13 degrees.
3- Insulate your Pipes – The most important step for protecting pipes is to have them insulated. Check your attic and crawl space to ensure they have an adequate layer on them.
4- Disconnect Garden Hose – When you know that you won’t use your hose again, make sure to disconnect it as any water that is left inside as well as the pipes, can freeze and then crack after the pressure.
If any disaster happens to break loose, call Handyman Connection today. Our qualified plumbers are available at any time to help you out!

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