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Storage  /  January 27, 2022

3 Things To Bring an Outdated Home in Victoria Back to Life

Whether you’re planning an extensive remodel or you’re just thinking about a few minor renovations, paying attention to current trends will help you keep your space modern and fresh. Before removing any walls or adding on rooms, first, consider swapping out a few design choices that will improve your kitchen or living room without too much fuss or cost. Learn which options will modernize your abode and which to sell or donate. As you transition from old to new, Handyman Connection is the professional solution for your home renovations in Victoria.

Out With the Old

If you find yourself pining through design magazines and dreaming that your home could bear some semblance of those featured on the pages, it is likely time for some updating. Sometimes, life can get ahead of you, and a year turns into two years, turns into five, and suddenly you still have the same kitchen after ten years living at the same house. For some, this is no problem. For others, the urge to update may be too strong to stifle after so many years. Swap out any common fixtures found in dated homes to modernize your living spaces quickly.

Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans, especially in the south, are a staple for comfortable living. However, with advances in modern technology, ceiling fans no longer have to take up real estate in your field of vision and dominate the design scape in your living room. Swap your ceiling fans out for updated HVAC systems.

White Appliances

White has been the standard since shades of green left kitchen appliances 50 some years ago. While white does convey a spotless kitchen like few other colours can, stainless steel has come to modernize the party with its industrial, commercial kitchen feel. Replace any white appliances like stoves, refrigerators, microwaves, toasters, blenders, or coffee makers with a stainless steel variety. It’s probably time for a new coffee maker anyway.

Copper Cookware

Just as the farmhouse and shabby chic trends rounded the corner, there was a moment when french Provençal took the lead in homes everywhere. During this design surge, homeowners far and wide sought out new and antique copper pots and cookware to display from pot racks and wall hooks all over the kitchen. No more. Take the extra cookware down and store it away for clean counters and open spaces. Storage solutions are a popular renovation installation that homeowners in Victoria benefit from again and again.

In With the New

Now that you know what to throw to the curb and how to replace it, learn what other additions make for an updated kitchen or living room area that Handyman Connection can help install.

Smart Features

Analog thermometers, door locks, and alarms are a thing of the past. Smart apps keep you connected. You can communicate with family members, keep an eye on package delivery, and make sure you shut the garage door like you think you did all from an app on your phone.

Streamlined Spaces

Handyman Connection in Victoria can provide efficient storage solutions for any room. A decluttered kitchen is just the beginning. All your stuff has to go somewhere since clean lines and open spaces are the trending design features right now. After a round of purging and organizing, work with the designers at Handyman Connection to create storage solutions that work for your whole house.

Simple Designs

Loud, bawdy designs that were popular in the aughts through only a few years ago are no longer so. Rather than richly pigmented colours and contrasting patterns, the preferred style now is muted and earth tones with lowkey designs and bright but filtered lighting.

To redesign your living spaces to match your updated style and current trends, contact Handyman Connection for home renovations in Victoria.

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