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Painting  /  October 20, 2022

Scarborough Handyman: The Dangers of Lead Paint

Dangers of lead paint

Although lead was phased out of paint production in the 1970s, you may still encounter it in older buildings. It’s critical to be aware of this issue and confirm that you are not exposed to lead in your environment. Team up with painting services in Scarborough to get expert help assessing your situation.

Lead-Based Paint in Your Home

If you weren’t involved in the process, how can you know if lead-based paint was used in your home? The age of your home may give you some clues. Before 1960, lead paint was the norm. In the US and Canada, all interior paint produced after 1992 is safe. 1960 to 1992 was a transitional phase, so some of the paint produced contained lead.

If you can, reach out to the prior owner of your home to help determine when the walls were last painted. They may even have information on exactly what type of paint they used. Sometimes this isn’t possible, so you may have to resort to other measures.

If you aren’t sure about the age of the home or the paint, you can have it tested. Conveniently, you can use a home test kit or send a sample to a certified laboratory. However, the most reliable method is to consult with a licensed contractor. They have specialized x-ray equipment to quickly detect lead on any surface.

Health Risks of Lead Paint

The primary mode of exposure to lead is ingestion. However, this doesn’t mean you are only at risk if you lick your walls. Paint fragments or dust can contaminate anything you touch. Children are especially vulnerable due to their tactile nature. Any parent knows it’s hard to keep things out of a toddler’s mouth.

Lead is a toxic metal that accumulates in your body over time. Prolonged exposure to lead can lead to issues in the brain and nervous system. At lower levels, it can present as a learning disability or behavioural problem. Lead poisoning manifests as more severe intellectual disabilities, infertility and stomach issues.

Removing Lead Paint

It is possible to remove lead paint. However, this process stirs up the lead, which can lead to an even more hazardous situation if you aren’t careful. It’s important to follow strict safety protocols and use the correct equipment. For this reason, you should hire professionals who know what they are doing.

The process involves filing official paperwork, documenting lead levels and gearing up with personal protective equipment. Many times, workers must be certified for this type of work. Dust vacuums and HEPA filters are required. Finally, the lead levels must be checked again after the work is done.

If the paint is still in good shape, it is safer and easier to simply cover it up. You can use panelling, certain kinds of wallpaper or coats of non-lead paint. This can be a great opportunity to update the look of your home!

Professional Painting Services

Lead is no joke. To ensure that you thoroughly seal away all harmful particles, turn to professional painting services in Scarborough with the proper equipment and knowledge. You will want to paint over the lead as quickly and efficiently as possible so as not to prolong any potential exposure. Let the experienced painters at Handyman Connection take care of this issue for you.

Owning a home is a big responsibility. You most likely have a lot of maintenance tasks on your plate. Luckily, you don’t have to do everything yourself, you just need reliable technicians by your side. Reach out to Handyman Connection in Scarborough to answer your questions or get a quote today. Don’t let lead paint get the best of you in your own home.

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