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Plumbing  /  July 14, 2021

Is It Time To Replace Your Shower Head?

Is It Time To Replace Your Shower Head

Who doesn’t love a nice hot shower in the morning or after a long day’s work? Showers are a great way to wake up or wash away the stress of a busy day, but the effectiveness of the shower depends on the power and consistency of the showerhead. When the head is not operating at total capacity, it can sound alarms in a homeowner’s head about potential plumbing issues, in which case, they will contact the local plumbing services in Scarborough. However, often, a homeowner needs only to replace the showerhead to fix the problem. There are at least five signs it is time to replace your shower head.

1. Constant Drip

All showerheads have a projected lifespan, and as with any other appliance, when the item reaches the end of the line, it will begin to fail. A common sign of failure with a showerhead is the development of a constant drip. However, not every drip is created equal.

If you notice your shower head dripping, you might want to check the supply valves and washer rings because these items can lead to dripping. Additionally, replacing washer rings or valves is less expensive than replacing the entire showerhead.

2. Black Mold

Black mould is a common development on plastic showerheads. If you have hard water staining, look closely for tiny black dots. Those little dots are likely toxic black mould. It would be best if you did not mess with mould.

Instead of trying to clean the showerhead, replace it. If you can, replace it with a metal head. Metal is less likely to experience mould growth than plastic. While you can call a professional, removing mould on a showerhead is challenging, if not impossible, meaning the expense will be more than the showerhead is worth.

3. Sediment buildup

Water for consumption contains chemicals and additives that are unnecessary for bathing. Therefore, showerheads have built-in screens to help remove these chemicals and additives. Over time, these screens can become clogged and blocked, leading to a buildup of calcium in and around the showerhead. You can tell when your showerhead is blocked up because of the appearance of tiny white composites of calcium on and around the head.

4. Change in Water Pressure

One of the primary reasons for the use of a showerhead is as a water pressure control tool. The head is able to maintain a steady water pressure as long as the integral parts of the head are intact. Unfortunately, as a showerhead ages, the device will lose its ability to maintain control. You might experience a sudden burst of fierce pressure followed by long spells of only a trickle. When your showerhead starts behaving in this manner, it is time to replace it.

5. Uneven Spray 

Aside from changes in overall water pressure, you might notice an uneven spray. Now, there are a couple of causes for uneven spray, the first being a clog. If your showerhead has a clog, a simple cleaning might do the trick. However, if the uneven spray results from internal problems, it is likely best to replace the handle. If you are uncertain of the cause, you can contact a local plumbing professional for assistance.
When you are having plumbing issues, you mustn’t trust just any service to come out to your home. You will want to verify licensing and insurance information to ensure the company you are hiring is a responsible provider of plumbing services. Handyman Connection is one of the leading providers of home improvement services, and it maintains a stellar reputation. If your showerhead is acting up and you cannot determine the cause for your problem, don’t hesitate to call a professional.

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