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Electrical  /  May 18, 2022

Red Deer Electrical Services: What Happens When You Use The Wrong Lightbulb Wattage?

What happens when you use the wrong lightbulb

You may often think about the wattage of the light bulbs you use in your home. In fact, until it’s time to replace a bulb, you probably take your light bulbs for granted and forget that they exist. However, using light bulbs of the wrong wattage can cause problems in your home. Here’s what you need to know about choosing the right light bulbs for your house.

What Happens If You Use the Wrong Lightbulb?

All of your light bulb sockets should list a maximum wattage. Replacing light bulbs with ones that have a lower wattage usually is not an issue because the socket is designed to handle more power. However, if you choose a light bulb with a higher wattage than what is listed on the socket, it could lead to numerous problems.

What Is Overlamping?

Overlamping occurs when a lightbulb gets too hot for the socket it is in. This happens when you install a light bulb with too high of wattage in a socket. The longer you leave the light bulb in place, the hotter it gets. It can cause severe problems, including a fire, if you leave light bulbs in place that there are too powerful for the socket.

Overlamping can lead to several problems in your home. If you avoid putting high-wattage light bulbs in low-wattage sockets, you can avoid the following issues:

  • Damage to light fixtures:  When light bulbs get too hot, they can cause permanent damage to your light fixtures. If the fixture around the socket starts to melt, the light bulb will no longer fit properly. You will have to replace the entire fixture, and if you continue overlamping, this expense adds up quickly.
  • Overheating:  If the heat radiating from your light bulb starts to melt the wiring inside your light fixture, it can quickly lead to an electrical fire. This risk increases the longer you allow overlamping to happen.

Another common issue associated with overlamping is a reduction in energy efficiency. If your light bulb is taking too much power from the socket, it will use much more energy and may not last as long. You will likely have to replace light bulbs more frequently if you continue overlamping.

Fortunately, it is fairly easy to prevent overlamping. You may have to look closely at various light fixtures to see the recommended wattage printed on them, but manufacturing requirements mean that every fixture should have the maximum wattage listed. If you make sure to use light bulbs with a lower wattage than what is listed on the socket, you can prevent overlamping.

If you can’t find the manufacturer’s wattage recommendation on your light fixture or just want help figuring out which type of light bulb best meets your needs, an electrician can help. The team at Handyman Connection is ready to offer assistance with electrical repair services.

How Can Handyman Connection Help You?

You should never try to tackle any type of electrical repair yourself if you don’t know what you’re doing. Electrical problems can be dangerous, so it is best to leave them to the professionals. At Handyman Connection, we have a team of knowledgeable technicians who can help you with a wide variety of electrical services. Our extensive knowledge allows us to answer all of your questions regarding light bulb wattage. If you need advice or recommendations on which light bulbs best suit your needs, we are ready to help. 

Schedule Electrical Repair Services Today

If you need an electrician in Red Deer to help you find light bulbs of the proper wattage, the technicians at Handyman Connection are here to help. We have all of the knowledge and tools needed to help you with light bulb changes, so contact us today to schedule a service.

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