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Shelves  /  June 8, 2022

6 Garage Organization Tips for Your Kansas City Area Home

garage organization

Garage organization is less difficult than you might think. To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Take Inventory – Before you begin your garage organization project, you must first assess your current situation. Begin by making a list of everything you currently own. Include all items such as clothing, shoes, toys, books, and so on. Take note of any storage areas in your home as well. Closets, cabinets, drawers, and other similar items may be included.
  2. Determine Where to Store Items – After you’ve finished your inventory, you’ll need to decide which items you want to keep and which you want to throw away. Make a list of everything you want to keep in your garage to help you with this. Then, make a list of where you intend to store each item.
  3. Organize Storage Areas – Now that you’ve decided what to keep and where to keep it, it’s time to start organizing your storage areas. Depending on how frequently you intend to use an item, you can divide your storage area into different sections. For example, if you keep most of your gardening tools in the same location, group them together.
  4. Use Shelving Units – Shelving units make it simple to access items stored near the floor. They are useful for storing items such as fertilizer and seeds. They can, however, be used to organize large items such as lawn equipment. Simply arrange the items to be stored on shelves and hang them up.
  5. Consider Using a Toolbox – When it comes to organizing your tools, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on expensive toolboxes. Instead, a box that fits under your bench will suffice. It won’t take up much space and will give you plenty of storage space.
  6. Keep Things Neat and Clean – Finally, once you’ve finished organizing your garage, it’s critical to keep things neat and clean. Remove clutter and dust on a regular basis to avoid accumulation.

If you follow these six steps, you will quickly notice a difference in the appearance and feel of your garage.

Contact Handyman Connection of Johnson County

Fill out a form or call (913) 521-8961 to schedule an estimate for garage organization or other home improvement needs.

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