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Outdoors  /  August 31, 2021

How to Build a Fire Pit

fire pit

Everything You Need to Know About Building a Backyard Fire Pit in Johnson County, KS

Are you planning on building a fire pit? Here is the guide for you so you can make building your first fire pit a breeze. Our professional craftspeople would like to share their top tips on how to build a fire pit. See what kind of tools are needed and what steps you will have to take to complete this neat installation in your yard.

Step 1: Check

Before you begin building any type of fire pit or even lighting a fire in your backyard, check with local property codes and your insurance to see if there are any rules or stipulations about lighting a fire on your property.

Step 2: Tools

You will need the following to build a fire pit:

  • Rubber Mallet
  • Gravel
  • Bricks
  • Garden Hose
  • Tamper
  • Fire Ring
  • Spray Paint
  • Adhesive
  • Tape Measure
  • Level
  • Shovel
Step 3: Bricks

You can build a circular or square/rectangular fire pit. You can pick from different colors, shapes, sizes, materials, and more. Trapezoidal bricks can create a circular pit.

Step 4: Build a Fire Pit

Once you have gathered your tools, it’s time to build the fire pit.

  1. Spray paint the location of the fire pit.
  2. Dig out the fire pit circle a few inches into the ground.
  3. Tamp level.
  4. Fill the hole with gravel.
  5. Wet gravel with the garden hose and tamp level a few inches below the surface.
  6. Place bricks—do not use adhesive yet—in the shape you want.
  7. Use sand to lift bricks or a rubber mallet to tap them down to achieve a level layer.
  8. Make sure the fire ring fits.
  9. Use adhesive to secure bricks.
  10. Let adhesive cure over time before use.

Enjoy your new fire pit with these tips! Take your time to make sure you have all your tools and follow these steps. You will have a new fire pit to enjoy in no time.

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