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Home Improvement  /  December 5, 2019

Factors Affecting Your Home Heating Costs

Winter is just around the corner, and you have to be prepared so you won’t end up with costly heating bills. Knowing what influences your heating costs can help in reducing your monthly energy bills.

Here are factors affecting home heating costs and tips to reduce your heating bill this winter.

Factor Affecting Heating Costs

Natural Gas

The consumption of natural gas is expected to increase at around 5% due to predicted slightly colder winter temperatures than the previous winter as well as the ongoing increase in demand for natural gas for electric generation across the U.S. The extended periods of extreme cold from unpredictable weather could limit the supply and increase prices, resulting in higher heating costs for consumers during winter.

Your Home’s Size 

Heating and cooling a tiny home with energy-efficient windows and sufficient installation will cost less than heating and cooling a large home. The U.S. Census Bureau says that the amount of living space per person in modern multifamily apartment units and new homes has doubled since 1973. However, modern homes that have energy-efficient features cost less to heat and cool than earlier counterparts.

Ways to Reduce Your Energy Costs

Upgrade to a Smart Thermostat

Replacing your traditional thermostat with an energy-efficient smart thermostat can save you up to 12% on heating and up to 15% on cooling. Over time, the smart thermostat will adapt to your temperature preferences and automatically adjust their settings when you’re home and save energy when you aren’t at home.

Use Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs & Unplug Electronics When Not in Use

Energy-efficient light bulbs can save you up to $75 every year. Meanwhile, unplugging appliances when not in use save you at least $100 per year. Another great option is using solar panels. They can help you get savings on energy costs and increase your home’s value.

Replace Your Water Heater

Water heaters typically require a natural gas flame or electricity to work. To save on your monthly energy bills, determine if your water heater is powered by electricity. If so, replace it with a gas one to save on energy costs.

At Handyman Connection® of Grapevine, we’re here for your home improvement needs. We specialize in plumbing, painting, remodeling, electrical services and more. Call us at (817) 527-3600, or complete our contact form to get a free project consultation and estimate.

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