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Plumbing Handyman from Handyman Connection

Home Improvement  /  March 20, 2020

Plumbing Noises You Should Never Ignore

6 Plumbing Noises You Should Never Ignore

From time to time you may notice that plumbing noises may be emitting from underneath of your sink. What do these noises mean? Plumbing noises can range from a hissing or hammering noise to a squealing one. While most of these noises are normal or have a quick fix, others should never be ignored.

If you are unsure of which sounds are normal and when it’s time to call in a professional, Handyman Connection of Carmel is here to help. Here are the top six plumbing noises you should never ignore.

6 Plumbing Noises You Should Never Ignore

1. Hissing 

If a hissing sound is being emitted from your fixtures there’s a good chance that the water pressure is too high. This may not only pose as a distraction but also as something that results in a higher water bill at the end of the month. A regulator can assist with maintaining and keeping the PSI within normal levels.  

Hissing noises coming from your water heater may be normal depending on when it occurs. Are you hearing hissing after a long shower? When an abundant amount of hot water is used the tank will then begin refilling with cool water. If condensation produces, it is likely the water is hitting hot surfaces — such as the burner — creating the hissing effect. 

2. Hammering or Thudding

Have you ever heard a dull thudding or hammering noise from your walls? The hammering or thudding plumbing noises can be heard once a powerful faucet is shut off.

You can help curb the hammering effect by having a regulator, shock absorbers, or air chambers installed. These devices will help cushion the hammering effect by compressing when the water is turned off.

3. Whooshing During a Shower

What kind of water is run to your home? If you hear a whooshing sound while taking a shower that could be an indicator that there is a mineral buildup in the pipes or possibly the hot water heater. These buildups are primarily found in areas that have hard water or high mineral content. 

To combat the issue, it’s possible a professional will need to come over and clear out the sediment. You can also use a water softener to help alleviate and minimize the likelihood of future problems. 

4. Running Toilet

A running toilet can be caused by many things, but more often than not a simple fix may be all you need to get it to stop. If you hear water running through it constantly, or cycling on and off, here’s what you need to know to identify what needs to be fixed.

One of the first things you might want to check is for a leaky flapper. When you hear the toilet running, press down on the flapper. If it stops, then it’s likely shot, and can easily be replaced.

If it’s not the flapper, you can then test if the fill valve is leaking. To do this, after you flush the toilet, lift up the toilet float arm while the tank is filling to see if the water stops. If it’s still leaking after making adjustments, it needs to be replaced.

If neither of these tests works, it might be time to call in a professional plumber for help. 

5. Gurgling Sink

A gurgling sink can happen for a few reasons. Luckily, the fix is usually a simple one. One of the top reasons for a gurgling sink is that food debris from the garbage disposal ended up in the pipe. This causes a partial clog, trapping the air inside. Once the water rushes in, the air gets released and bubbles through the water, creating the gurgling sound.

A blocked vent pipe is another causation for a gurgling sink. This can occur when dirt, nests from animals, or other debris get trapped. Regardless of which you’re experiencing, it’s best to have a professional come help clear the clog so you do not damage the pipes.

6. Noisy Radiator

You may be used to the occasional knocking or hissing sound if you have a radiator. But, if the sounds are becoming louder or more frequent, it might be time to investigate.

Air bubbles in the pipes might cause a clicking noise as the water is moving through the radiator. If the pipes are warped, you may experience hearing creaking and groaning emitting from the radiator. If the problem persists and the piping is run through wooden joints, a plumber will need to remove them.

Do you live in an area with hard water, be wary of limescale buildup? If this occurs, it will cause boiler kettling and block the pipes. A professional will need to come and clean the boiler if this occurs.

Need a Plumber’s Help? Call Handyman Connection Today

Handyman Connection is your local connection to the top craftsmen and home plumbing services in your area. Our team of skilled professionals will get to the bottom of your plumbing noises and help you find a solution that works best for you and your home. Contact us today for a an estimate!

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